Friday, February 11, 2011

Wall of Fame!

       Last night I Successfully accomplished eating a colossal burger called the Big Jud! At first I ordered the Big Jud I thought I could easily eat it. When I saw the waitress bring out that beast I started to second guess myself. (let me tell you this burger is the width of a Frisbee and the thickness of 3 inches). Grasping onto the burger I took my first bite; the flavors exploded tickling my taste buds. Tasting all sorts of amazing flavors, I could taste the perfect blend of spices in the beef with everything else the pickles, ketchup, onions, mustard all creating a simultaneously mouth watering tastes. I knew that this will be a very hard challenge. While chewing onto something of such mass portions before I knew it I was half way into this amazing burger. Devouring this masterpiece I felt like an animal eating its prey; I was taking larger and larger bites. Every single bite seemed to get better and better... then it hit me, I was full. This is the hardest part of any challenge every person who reaches this point you must master your stomach with your mind. This is the point of no return you must keep stuffing your self of what is now a burden to eat. In the back of my mind I knew I could probably do this, but I had to take smaller bights, so I did. Looking at last of my burger my hands now trembling I knew I had to get it over with. Now the last piece reaching into my mouth I knew it was over...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

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